
International Distributors

At Electro-Technic Products we are committed to ensuring our customers have easier access to our products in key regions around the world without having to purchase and ship them directly from the USA. While we will always ship from our online store to any destination, we are also establishing partnerships and working with distributors in several regions listed below. If you live in these regions and prefer to buy locally, reach out to our partners to place orders.


Bihec Scientific Instrument (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Building 32, Lane 156, Changji Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, 201805, PRC.


North and East China Representative:
Hebe Zhang, Mobile:17765103945, Email:
South and West China Representative:
Lily Tian, Mobile:17740897403, Email:   



High Frequency Generator P/L
61 Kelvin Park Drive Bringelly NSW 2556.


Australia Representative: 

Lenard Polus, Mobile: 0418-281 971, Email: